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Sports Volunteer of the Year: Amanda Benwell

MEL EDWARDS described her sister Amanda Benwell as ‘caring and helpful’ when she nominated her for the Sure-sponsored Sports Volunteer of the Year Award.

MEL EDWARDS described her sister Amanda Benwell as ‘caring and helpful’ when she nominated her for the Sure-sponsored Sports Volunteer of the Year Award.

Amanda is the treasurer for both Guernsey Mobility, Let’s Go! and Wheel Chairography Guernsey – two groups of which Mel is a member.

In fulfilling her roles, Amanda organises the groups, using subscription funds to buy birthday cards and presents as well as end of term gifts for the members.

She has also started fundraising for the group, organising for example Halloween bingo. ‘There’s talk of repeating it this year because of its success,’ Amanda said.

St Martin’s schoolchildren visit the group each week.

‘Disabled people can sometimes come across as quite scary to the children because they can behave differently to what they expect.

‘It’s about breaking down barriers. The children are so good with them.’

Within the group, members play sports like tennis and football, but more recently have been focusing on boccia, a type of bowls.

‘It’s about exercise but it’s also about making people happy. The most important thing is to see them smiling, everything else is just a bonus.’

‘It’s the most rewarding thing.’