Diversity & inclusion

This award recognises a person or organisation who embraces diversity and inclusion, making the community or their workplace a better place to be. We’re looking for nominations for people who have helped to create an environment where differences are celebrated and the people around them feel valued and included. This could be within a business, the public sector, community group or voluntary organisation. Perhaps you know someone who has helped to make everyone feel like part of the team, no matter who they are or where they come from. Or maybe someone you know has really helped to break down taboos around LGBT, mental health, disability, neurodiversity (eg autism, Asperger’s and other variations in the way we think) or another aspect of diversity. Perhaps someone in your organisation has introduced new ways of working that have created better opportunities for career progression and promotion for women and/or employees from minority groups, or maybe they’ve implemented some really innovative working practices to enable people to have a better work life balance. If you know someone, a team or an organisation who makes their community or workplace a more diverse and inclusive place, please do nominate them for this award and help us to recognise and celebrate their brilliant contribution.

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