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Angel of the Year: Rev. Jan Le Billon

THE REV. JAN LE BILLON has been described as ‘an inspiration’ by Angela Gaskill, who has nominated her for the Ravenscroft-sponsored Angel of the Year award.

THE REV. JAN LE BILLON has been described as ‘an inspiration’ by Angela Gaskill, who has nominated her for the Ravenscroft-sponsored Angel of the Year award.

‘I have known Jan for many years and she has always been an inspiration and help to me, particularly during the last 18 months of lockdown and also following the recent, sudden death of my precious daughter,’ she said.

‘Jan went beyond the call of duty to help me through this difficult time. She gave me so much more that I can express in words and organised a service at the Cheshire Home, where I live.’

The thought and care that Jan put into the service was really valued by Angela.

‘It was so comforting to have an intimate service in my room with my son and daughter-in-law present. It made such a difference because my daughter died in the Isle of Lewis, meaning I couldn’t be at her funeral to support my two grandsons. 

‘The service was held on the same day at the same time as the Committal in Lewis, which made me feel close to all my family. 

‘Her words of comfort during the short service and the music she chose have helped me to come to terms with losing my daughter so suddenly.

‘She has been and is my Angel of the Year.’