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Customer Service of the Year: Kevin Williams

NOMINATOR Ben Tustin has ‘never heard a bad word’ about Kevin Williams, who has been nominated for the Cherry Godfrey-sponsored Customer Service of the Year award.

NOMINATOR Ben Tustin has ‘never heard a bad word’ about Kevin Williams, who has been nominated for the Cherry Godfrey-sponsored Customer Service of the Year award.

‘Kevin has been serving the Guernsey community for 35 years, the last 16 as landlord of the Harbour Lights,’ said Ben.

He has known Kevin for two or three years and usually frequents the Harbour Lights pub once or twice a week.

‘The pub has thrived due to Kevin’s commitment and dedication to his customers and the wider community. 

‘At 8am on any morning you might see him clearing weeds from the pavement or making sure the pub is spotless before opening at 10am,’ Ben added.

He described Kevin as ‘very welcoming’ and well-known throughout Guernsey’s community.

‘Everyone loves him,’ he said.

Kevin emphasised how he enjoyed ‘seeing regular customers and meeting new ones’.

The community aspect of the pub is valued by many and Kevin said that ‘there aren’t many pubs like this left’.

By nominating him, Ben hopes that Kevin’s hard work and devotion to his work and customers can be highlighted.

‘Universally respected across the island, it is about time that this local hero is recognised.’