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Diversity and Inclusion: Jaime Sarre

JAIME SARRE has been nominated for the Diversity and Inclusion award, sponsored by RBC.

Nominator and sister Leanne Sarre said: ‘I have nominated Jaime for the diversity and inclusion award because from quite a young age, Jaime has had to battle with her mental health. 

‘Jaime didn’t want young people to go through something similar to what she had to, so when she got to around 18-19 she started advocating for young people dealing with mental health issues. 

‘She had meetings with a variety of different people about it and also made an appearance on BBC News and BBC radio talking about what her ideas were to help guide and support young people with their mental health struggles.

‘Since then, Jaime has continued on with her hard work for advocating for young people dealing with mental health issues and is still working well with the mental health workers over here in Guernsey. 

‘I am very proud of Jaime, she deserves to be awarded the recognition for all over her extra hard work in trying to give people the help and support that she didn’t receive when she was struggling.’