Voting ends


Grow Ltd's Training Cafe team

Grow Ltd's Training Cafe team has been nominated for the Diversity and Inclusion award

‘This is a one-of-a-kind facility in our community that nurtures diversity and inclusion for its crew members to develop everyday occupational and life skills,’ said their nominator for the Diversity and Inclusion award, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Grow is a unique space for adults with learning disabilities and difficulties to learn real-world skills that they can then take onwards into employment.

‘Since the brand new cafe launched at the newly developed site at Grow at the start of this year, Richard Portsmouth and the team have gone above and beyond to establish a supportive hub to teach new and valuable skills to the crew.

‘They are supporting adults with learning disabilities and difficulties to develop self-confidence and life skills whilst enabling them to be included and valued within a workplace and the wider community.’

The cafe provides an opportunity for the adults to learn how to make meals and serve customers.

‘They’re not making a big deal about anyone with a disability, they’re showing they do have skills. Many of the crew have different aspects of disability and they work around them.

‘The occupational training and mentoring led by Richard and the team provides a safe and stimulating environment and it truly is a wonderful place to visit, have some delicious freshly-made food and enjoy the surroundings of the new facility.’

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