Brooke Doggett

Brooke Doggett has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Last year, eight-year-old Brooke’s mum, Krista, was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and since that day she has remained the strongest, bravest little girl despite her mum’s battle with cancer.

‘Brooke has continued to be her beautiful self, a family team player, supportive big sister and cousin,’ said Claudia North, her nominator. 

Throughout everything Brooke has supported her mum in a way a child should never have too, alongside excelling at her hobbies and at school. 

Not only has Brooke suggested having her hair chopped off at a fundraiser organised by her mum, but she has also taken part in the race for life. 

‘Brooke has a heart of gold and a pure soul, and I feel after the hardest year she deserves her time in the spotlight,’ said Claudia.

Despite her mum’s ongoing treatment, making her extremely sick with countless days in bed, Brooke has shown incredible maturity for her age and has helped everyone through this tough time.

Other Finalists

Terry Jordan

Terry Jordan has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Abi Arnold

Abi Arnold has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award. 

Elise Trebert

Elise Trebert has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award.

Emma Johns

Emma Johns has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

James Robilliard

James Robilliard has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award. Sadly James has passed away but his family and friends would like his nomination to continue as a tribute to his bravery and determination.

Jamie Marsh

Jamie Marsh has been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Overcoming Adversity award

Kim Marquis

Kim Marquis has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Martine-Marie White

Martine-Marie White has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Pete Torode

Pete Torode has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award.

Peter Amy

Peter Amy has been nominated for Overcoming Adversity

Rachel Bishop

Rachel Bishop has been nominated for Overcoming Adversity

Yvonne Le Pelley

Yvonne Le Pelley has been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Overcoming Adversity award