Yvonne Le Pelley

Yvonne Le Pelley has been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Overcoming Adversity award

'I first met Yvonne when she was employed at the Mignot Centre in administration. She was amazing, helpful, fun and caring to all,’ said Yvonne’s nominator who would like to remain anonymous and has known Yvonne for around thirty-five years. 

In her twenties Yvonne experienced a riding accident that damaged her spine and resulted in arthritis that has majorly affected her life since, she needs care and uses a mobility scooter but with the support of her family and friends Yvonne has been able to face her disabilities with strength and confidence. 

‘Yvonne deserves this award as despite her own struggles she ensures no matter who you are she’s inclusive to all, no judgement just kindness,’ said Yvonne’s nominator, who believes Yvonne simply makes the best out of everything.

Although Yvonne constantly experiences daily pain, she believes there are many others around her who experience much worse.

‘I’m shocked, speechless, I don’t think I’m any different to anyone else,’ said Yvonne when she heard about her nomination.

Other Finalists

Terry Jordan

Terry Jordan has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Abi Arnold

Abi Arnold has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award. 

Brooke Doggett

Brooke Doggett has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Elise Trebert

Elise Trebert has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award.

Emma Johns

Emma Johns has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

James Robilliard

James Robilliard has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award. Sadly James has passed away but his family and friends would like his nomination to continue as a tribute to his bravery and determination.

Jamie Marsh

Jamie Marsh has been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Overcoming Adversity award

Kim Marquis

Kim Marquis has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Martine-Marie White

Martine-Marie White has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award

Pete Torode

Pete Torode has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award.

Peter Amy

Peter Amy has been nominated for Overcoming Adversity

Rachel Bishop

Rachel Bishop has been nominated for Overcoming Adversity