Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme

Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

In addition to providing food banks, life skills courses and a befriending service, the Guernsey Welfare Service organises a parenting group called the Parent Empowerment Programme, which has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero.

Commonly known as PEP, the weekly group offers both a space for children and parents to be together as well as a chance for parents to socialise while their children are looked after.

The programme has been an ‘absolute lifeline’ to Ciara Lewis who put the team forward for Pride of Guernsey.

‘The Guernsey Welfare Service runs an amazing parenting group which has been the absolute lifeline of my motherhood journey and I know has been the same for every single member of the group,’ Ciara said.

According to the GWS website at time of writing, PEP is facilitated by a welfare worker for parents with children under the age of three and space for elder siblings to join during school holidays.

The weekly sessions are complimented by PEP+ activities that take place four times a year.

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