Alan Prevel

Alan Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

In late 2023 Alan Prevel saved the Guernsey Senior Citizens Association from closing down and has now been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Bailiwick Community Hero award.

The association had been running monthly meetings for islanders aged 65 and above for 45 years before the retirement of its chairman and other committee members cast doubt on its future, with no one willing to step up.

After seeing this news in a Guernsey Press article, Mr Prevel, who is also an Age Concern driver, alongside his wife Mary, took it upon themselves to save it.

‘My mum is part of the group and I think it’s so important to give its members that time to socialise. For some its the only social time they get,’ their nominator said.

‘Our aged population gets kicks all the time so it would have been really sad to see it go.’

The group has around 40 members with its sessions, which consist of a guest speaker, discussion and raffle accompanied by tea and coffee.

Bigger meals and events are also hosted throughout the year.

Other Finalists

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Carolyn and Phil Morley

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Cathy Wanyoike

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Charlie Cox

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Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme

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Ian Brown

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Isabelle Moorshead

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Jo Cottell

Jo Cottell has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Kerry Le Flock

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Liz Pirouet-Douglas

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Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches

Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches have nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Margaret and John Nicolle

Margaret and John Nicolle have been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mark Prevel

Mark Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Mary Carre

Mary Carre has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Matt Kneebone

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Nadine Gavey

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Pam Bartlett

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Poppy Murray

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Shelley Samson

Shelley Samson has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Sue Brooks

Sue Brooks has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey have been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Voluntary Transport Service

Voluntary Transport Service has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero