Mark Prevel

Mark Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

‘Since losing my wife of 60 years, Mark has helped me greatly with my mental health,’ said Mark Prevel’s nominator for the Bailiwick Community Hero award, Roger Baudains.

After Roger’s wife’s funeral, he found that he could not sleep and so he started walking early that morning. Not long after he met Mark.

‘I was out running, as you do,’ said Mark of their first meeting.

‘His first words to me were “I wish I could run”.’

Mark saw that Roger, who is 81, was walking well, so he decided he could help him work on that.

Mark then became Roger’s trainer, working on his balance with Nordic poles and practising on the cliffs.

Roger set a target of a 25-mile walk around the island to raise money for Carey Ward and the Guernsey Macular Society, both of which looked after his wife. 

He ended up raising more than £4,000, smashing his target of £1,000.

Mark himself has long been involved in charity work doing various physical challenges such as marathons, stemming from past battles with chronic emphysema.

‘None of this would have been possible without his selflessness and guidance helping me train for the walk,’ Roger said.

‘It has been a privilege to meet him and call him my friend.’

Other Finalists

Guernsey Welfare Service

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Lesley Perchard and GVS Jubilee Day Centre

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Alan Prevel

Alan Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Autism & Me

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Bernie Coutu

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Carolyn and Phil Morley

Carolyn and Phil Morley have been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Cathy Wanyoike

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Charlie Cox

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Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme

Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Ian Brown

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Isabelle Moorshead

Isabelle Moorshead has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Jo Cottell

Jo Cottell has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Kerry Le Flock

Kerry Le Flock has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Liz Pirouet-Douglas

Liz Pirouet-Douglas has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches

Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches have nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Margaret and John Nicolle

Margaret and John Nicolle have been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mary Carre

Mary Carre has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Matt Kneebone

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Nadine Gavey

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Pam Bartlett

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Poppy Murray

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Shelley Samson

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Sue Brooks

Sue Brooks has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey have been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Voluntary Transport Service

Voluntary Transport Service has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero