Mary Carre

Mary Carre has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mary Carre, co-director of Guernsey Samaritans, has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award for her vital work to tackle suicide on the island. 

Mary was singled out by her nominator, alongside Guernsey Mind’s Jo Cottell and Sarah Bamford and Mandy Le Bachelet of Talking Benches, for the impact she has made on providing mental health support. 

‘Samaritans has and continues to be a lifeline to me in a time of need,’ said her nominator, who wishes to remain anonymous. 

‘When required they offer empathetic, caring, non-judgemental support and it is an organisation I would love to give back to in my future.’ 

In March this year, Mary was a key player in organising the Suicide Journey conference where it opened dialogue on the highly sensitive subject and also offered a training day. 

‘They ensure we support ourselves and support each other, even just by the simple powers of a life-saving and life-changing conversation and they deserve to be recognised for this difficult but important and needed work in our community. 

‘For that, I and others are so grateful to them.’

Other Finalists

Guernsey Welfare Service

Guernsey Welfare Service has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Lesley Perchard and GVS Jubilee Day Centre

Lesley Perchard and GVS Jubilee Day Centre have been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Alan Prevel

Alan Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Autism & Me

Autism & Me has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Bernie Coutu

Bernie Coutu has been nominated for the Pride of Guernsey Bailiwick Community Hero award

Carolyn and Phil Morley

Carolyn and Phil Morley have been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Cathy Wanyoike

Cathy Wanyoike has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Charlie Cox

Charlie Cox has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme

Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Ian Brown

Ian Brown has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Isabelle Moorshead

Isabelle Moorshead has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Jo Cottell

Jo Cottell has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Kerry Le Flock

Kerry Le Flock has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Liz Pirouet-Douglas

Liz Pirouet-Douglas has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches

Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches have nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Margaret and John Nicolle

Margaret and John Nicolle have been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Mark Prevel

Mark Prevel has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Matt Kneebone

Matt Kneebone has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Nadine Gavey

Nadine Gavey has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero

Pam Bartlett

Pam Bartlett has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Poppy Murray

Poppy Murray has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Shelley Samson

Shelley Samson has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

Sue Brooks

Sue Brooks has been nominated for the Bailiwick Community Hero award

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey

The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey have been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

Voluntary Transport Service

Voluntary Transport Service has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero