Voluntary Transport Service

Voluntary Transport Service has been nominated for Bailiwick Community Hero

‘The Voluntary Transport Service has been an absolute life-saver for me, providing lifts for me to attend appointments which I couldn’t get to otherwise – both before, but especially since my cancer diagnosis,’ said their nominator for Bailiwick Community Hero, who wishes to remain anonymous.

The service has helped them through their whole journey from diagnosis, to surgery, to post-operative appointments arising from complications.

Beyond providing travel to appointments, the 35 volunteers also support people attending clubs to help limit social isolation, all in their own cars. 

The service uses a strict criteria to ensure that the people most in need of them have absolute priority: those who are unable to use public transport, pay for taxis or have no family or friends to take them.

‘Without their incredible help, kindness and support, having no family on-island and not having others to call on, and not being in the financial position to pay for taxis, I really don’t think I would have coped over the last 18 months or so.

‘They also provide a friendly face, calming conversation during stressful times and incredibly importantly connections with the community for people like myself who otherwise would be isolated and cut off from the outside world, which is very lonely and damaging for both physical and mental health.’

Other Finalists

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Cathy Wanyoike

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Charlie Cox

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Guernsey Welfare Service Parent Empowerment Programme

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Ian Brown

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Isabelle Moorshead

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Jo Cottell

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Kerry Le Flock

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Liz Pirouet-Douglas

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Mandy Le Bachelet and Sarah Bamford from Talking Benches

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Margaret and John Nicolle

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Mark Prevel

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Mary Carre

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Matt Kneebone

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Nadine Gavey

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Pam Bartlett

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Poppy Murray

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Shelley Samson

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Sue Brooks

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The Rotary and Lions Club of Guernsey

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